Friday, 11 October 2013

Permission to film/Risk Assessment

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I emailed the Film Office for tfl asking permission to use the premises in advance before shooting. This way we have decreased any risks of filming in areas that are not permitted by film as it is illegal to film in public areas

We haven't paid the permit cost to film on the premises, but we are allowed to ask supervisors on the tube station and railway station. For other areas such as Skatepark we will have to ask local people if they mind to be filmed or not.

Risk Assessment:
Whilst shooting we need to consider the dangers around us with the equipment and the people involved. Risks with equipment are, the area has a high crime rate and it is possible that the camera and tripod could get stolen but we have figured a solution to film in daylight. We are filming in a skate park and using skateboards for tracking shots which could potentially damage the camera if we are not careful. To prevent this we are being stable and protective with the cameras. In the video we have people doing backflips, in the case of anyone getting hurt we have asked people who have experience in doing this on the street.

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