Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Evaluation Question 3:

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation notes?

Media technology with Planning:

Media technology with Research:

Using this application allowed me to get a view of how music videos are shot. As YouTube is a free application it was very useful in researching conventions of pop videos. Being aged 18 I am exposed to what our target audience expects in a music video. 
The internet itself, is a media technology that has become beneficial and helpful in terms of research. Search engines enabled me to get information of why directors choose to shoot videos with a specific narrative or concept. 
The internet being so easily accessible I can retrieve information from artists known all around the world. I chose to research how artists function on social networking sites just to get an idea of how an artist is seen by the public. As I am already associated with twitter and instagram I found that mainstream artists tend to use social networking as a promotion technique and to show off their products. Niche artists choose to interact with fans more and use the site as a 'normal' person would. 

Web 2.0 has been an effective source for research due to the fact that its worldwide. I have understood theories of music videos and related them to modern media texts. Today it is very likely that every company has a website therefore I can get information from all sources that are useful for my product. 
My research is constructed on my blog using other platforms to post the information I got (such as prezi, mixbook, slideshare, glogster etc). Using the internet has allowed me to get information and post it relating to my product. For instance I would watch a video on YouTube then analyse it and compare it to my product via blogger. It's very useful because I can hear and view things on the net which is beneficial for research specifically.

Media technologies with Production:

Photoshop and final cut were the main applications used for production. Final cut is an efficient way to edit footage in an effective way. This technology is obviously effective because this wasn't available in the past. 
Photoshop allows to construct an image in a way that can be more appealing to an audience. The use of black and white filter effects stresses the rough personality of the star. This allows to deceive the audience of what the star actually looks like. This application has taught me that any image can be edited to appeal to certain eyes and be represented as attractive because of the techniques used. I used air brush tools, magic tools, filter effects, sketching effects and liquify. This enabled to exaggerate the the sexuality and femininity of the artist. 

Final cut was an efficient way to construct the video. This technology is an example of modern technology development that has been a great assistance for creating the video. Its obviously effect because I have imprinted my footage onto the application and edited in a way to convey certain meaning. The transitions have become effective because keeps the audience watching and fascinated.

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